Has doubt clouded your financial aspirations?

Are fears and impostor syndrome holding you back?

Imagine harnessing potent strategies that not only dispel these barriers but also ignite the spark of instantaneous abundance.


 "Manifest Money Instantly: 

6 Steps to Financial Freedom."

More than just an ebook, this is your definitive guide to transcending financial barriers and accessing tools for immediate wealth manifestation.

Why This eBook is Essential:

Immediate Financial Liberation: 

Grounded in Michelle's profound expertise, this guide isn't about waiting for results—it's about catalyzing them. Dive into a reservoir of knowledge that will equip you to cast away doubt, conquer impostor syndrome, and summon forth instantaneous prosperity.

Your 6-Step Blueprint includes:

  1. Mindset Makeover: Banish fears and cultivate a fertile mindset ripe for manifestation.

  2. Instant Action Strategies: Techniques you can deploy right now for immediate results.

  3. Overcoming the Impostor: Techniques to root out and vanquish the lurking impostor syndrome.

  4. Visualization Vitality: Harness the power of mind imagery for tangible outcomes.

  5. Empowered Affirmations: Words that resonate, echo, and manifest wealth.

  6. Present Moment Prosperity: Practical exercises that bring forth abundance here and now.

Past Students


I just had to take the class!


"Michelle told me about this new bootcamp she was launching, Manifest Your Magic, Money, & Miracles during one of our 1:1 coaching calls. The practices being taught sounded so cool and intriguing… I just had to take the class! This bootcamp wound up being so much more than I ever could have hoped for. I loved every minute of this class… and I loved how my life changed in such a short time through incorporating Michelle’s teachings into my daily life. While in this class, I had not 1, but 2 life changing miracles happen to me… $110,000 of debt was completely wiped out and an international company reached out, wanting the educational platform I co-founded to be taught under their umbrella at a 50/50 split! My dream of working from anywhere is coming to fruition! Take the leap of faith… invest in yourself… I promise you, your life will change!"

Life changing!

Sandy Lucy

"If you are reading this, you may be looking for confirmation that you are in the right place. I can assure you, with all my energy that you are. My time with Michelle, in the 6 week to success class, and the 30 day bootcamp transformed me in such positive ways. I was in a place where I felt stuck, and was self sabotaging my life, my desires, and relationships. in less than 3 months I uncovered and healed why I had been doing those things. Michelle, gave me the tools to open gateways that were previously locked, and opened the flood gates to healing and I was completely transformed through this. My friends ask what I have done, and say I look amazing, and it is all because I took the leap that you want to do, so do it book the free call, change your life, like I did and so many others have. I assure you that the time, money, and investment in yourself with the coaching of Michelle J. Lamont will give you more than you ever thought possible. I am so appreciative of all the tools and practices that she has shown me, and grateful that I took that leap and transformed my life. Thank you Michelle, you are an amazing and beautiful human being. I am grateful for you."

I dont even know where to start.

Tina Guzman

I dont even know where to start. I would write a whole book here. I had worked prior with Michelle and everytime I work with her I level up. After this bootcamp, I feel so much confident, empowered, and flowing with the Universe. She brings you to your creator reality. Her teachings are so powerful. I had so much fear and anxiety before from past hurt and trauma. During this bootcamp, I went from having different part-time jobs to a full-time job in downtown Chicago and a friend that I meet from taking these courses, is now my business partner (after I almost gave up on that business). I know without a doubt that this is only the beginning of many bigger things to come. Michelle is MAGICAL ASF!


Zauhra Nazery

I am a nurse, a newer stepmom and wife, and a graduate school student, and this has been the BEST INVESTMENT OF MY LIFE! To keep it short and sweet, I had depression for about a year, sprinkled with repressed issues that were coming out in really harmful ways for myself and my family. I felt that my life was spiraling and falling apart. I knew of Michelle’s podcasts for a while, but I hesitated on asking for help. Then I took a chance with the 1:1 for 6 weeks which FINALLY helped me get out of depression. About 3 months after that, I was ready to move from just feeling okay to happy and abundant. So I signed for Alignment Exposed, and OMG, BEST INVESTMENT OF MY LIFE! 6 weeks is doable for anyone, and you are with a very supportive group. It felt safe to be vulnerable. I almost do not recognize who I am in the mirror when I look back at myself 6 weeks ago before the program. It is like a spiritual bootcamp, but then there is a point where you begin to see the magic and blessings that life, your angels, and God/source has to offer. You also get to see YOU, the actual, fearless, eternal, amazing version of YOU.

Only a Week in

Nicole Heller

After working with Michelle for only a week, I finally had my first offer excepted. I started real estate end of January, and have been working hard, and as soon as I started putting into place things that Michelle suggested, I saw the shift and felt it.


Manifestation & Abundance Coach Michelle Lamont

From a young age, Michelle J. Lamont recognized she had a gift for praying, dreaming, and speaking into existence the life she wanted. Despite enduring years fraught with abandonment and physical and emotional abuse, Lamont is a resilient chameleon who’s reinvented herself several times as an entrepreneur, spiritual coach, and motivational speaker. Going from a failed suicide attempt to manifesting interviews with Oprah, Kim Kardashian, and Cindy Crawford, Lamont is devoted to showing anyone, no matter what circumstances they find themselves in, that they have the power to create the life of their dreams. A first-generation Columbian-American born in Dallas, Texas, Lamont learned about the power of using her mind when she started her first company at 8-years-old. After turning a profit, she realized there were no limits to what she could accomplish when she set her mind to it. But tragedy struck when her mother passed away from undifferentiated lymphoma cancer.


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Start Manifesting your Financial goals, today!


  • We want you to Manifest your dreams. If you complete every exercise and are unsatisfied with your results you can get a 50% refund. To get this refund you must book a Zoom with someone from our team and show your proof that you completed all of the exercises and assignments.